A message from Libertarian Party Vice Presidential Candidate Spike Cohen
Iowa Libertarians,
Our friends at the statehouse are at it again!
Last week, State Senator Roby Smith decided that a benign bill about county seals on ballots that unanimously passed the Iowa House was the perfect vehicle to play political games. In an obvious move to keep third-party and independent candidates off the ballots, Smith tacked on a massive increase in the number of signatures that are required to obtain ballot access in Iowa.
Fortunately, a compromise was made to remove this increase from the bill when it went back to the House, but it is obvious that the Republicans in the Statehouse are afraid for their careers and they will take every opportunity to suppress any competition.
This is exactly why we need to do everything we can to help Jo Jorgensen and me in our battle against the duopoly this fall. If we can get even 2% of the vote, the Libertarian Party will again be recognized as a major party in Iowa. Obtaining major party status will be a tremendous help in ensuring that the LPIA can obtain ballot access for Libertarian candidates statewide, and will help us spread the message of liberty across the state.
In order to ensure that Jo and I can get on the ballot in Iowa this November, we need your help! To get presidential ballot access, the LPIA needs to obtain over 1500 signatures by August 14th. You’re a quarter of the way there, but there’s still a long way to go.
This is where you come in!
There are two ways that you can help the LPIA ensure that the Libertarian Party is represented on the ballot in Iowa this fall.
#1 Volunteer to Gather Signatures: The Libertarian Party of Iowa has set up a page on our website where you can have a Nomination Petition for Presidential ballot access emailed or mailed to you. All you have to do is click on the link below, fill out your information, and they will send you a copy of the Nomination Petition so you can have your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers all sign.
Click Here to Request a Nomination Petition
#2 Donate to the Libertarian Party of Iowa: Organizing signature drives in the COVID-era is not easy. Just getting the petitions in the hands of our volunteers takes time and money, let alone actually getting out to obtain signatures to ensure we are able to meet the August deadline. Your donation to the Libertarian Party of Iowa will be crucial in our fight to obtain ballot access and will have a direct impact on their growth, influence, and engagement as a party. By making a donation to the LPIA, you are giving them the tools needed to not only obtain, but MAINTAIN ballot access and major party status in the years to come.
Any amount will help us in ensuring that Jo and I will be on the ballot this November, to break the duopoly, and give a voice to common sense, liberty, and limited government!
$500, $250, $100, $50, $25, and even $20 will contribute to our ability to fight back and protect your liberties! Click the yellow donate button at the top of the page to give whatever is in your budget. Recurring donations help us both with ballot access, help us plan in advance and are greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your continued support of rights, freedom, and liberty in Iowa.
Spike Cohen
Libertarian Party Vice Presidential Candidate