The Constitution of the

Libertarian Party of Iowa


Nothing herein shall conflict with the Constitution of the United States of America, the laws of the United States of America, the Constitution of the State of Iowa, or the laws of the State of Iowa.

Article I: Name

The name of the association shall be the “Libertarian Party of Iowa”, hereinafter referred to as the “Party”.

Article II: Duration and Dissolution

The duration of the Party shall be perpetual. In event of dissolution, all assets would go to the (National) Libertarian Party, a non-profit association

Article III: Purpose

The purpose for which the Party is organized is to implement and give voice to the principles embodied in the National Libertarian Party’s Statement of Principles by:

  • a. Nominating candidates for national, state, and local offices and supporting candidates for political office.
  • b. Entering into political activities.
Article IV: Officers
Section 1.

The officers of the Party shall be a Chairperson, a Co-Chairperson, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. All of these officers shall be elected at each Regular Convention occurring in an even-numbered year by the attending delegates and shall take office immediately upon the close of the Convention and serve thereafter until the final adjournment of the next Regular Convention occurring in an even-numbered year.

Section 2.

The Chairperson shall preside at all Conventions and all meetings of the State Central Committee. He or she shall be the chief executive officer of the Party.

Section 3.

The Co-Chairperson shall perform the duties of the Chairperson in the event the Chairperson is for any reason unable to perform the duties of the office.

Section 4.

The Secretary shall be the recording officer of the Party and shall provide, or make provision for, legal services to the Party.

Section 5.

The Treasurer shall receive, expend, and account for the funds of the Party under the supervision and direction of the Chairperson and State Central Committee.

Section 6.

Except as otherwise provided herein, the officers of the Party shall have such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed in the Bylaws.

Article V: State Central Committee
Section 1.

The State Central Committee of the Party shall be composed of the following:

  • a.The elected officers of the Party; plus
  • b. Members elected at each Regular Convention occurring in an even-numbered year, so as to be representative of the state as prescribed by the Bylaws. Any seat not filled at a Regular Convention occurring in an even-numbered year may be filled at any time for the remainder of the term at a Regular Convention occurring in an odd-numbered year, at a Special Convention, or by the State Central Committee.
Section 2.

The State Central Committee shall take office immediately upon the close of the Regular Convention occurring in even-numbered years and serve until the adjournment of the next Regular Convention occurring in an even-numbered year.

Section 3.

Auxiliary Members of the State Central Committee may be appointed by the Chairperson with consent of the State Central Committee, given by a simple majority of the vote. Auxiliary Members shall be non-voting members of the State Central Committee. Their terms shall last through the first meeting of the State Central Committee elected at a state convention. Auxiliary Members shall consist of an Assistant Treasurer and a Communications Liaison.

  • a. The Assistant Treasurer shall represent the Treasurer at State Central Committee meetings or other formal meetings when the Treasurer is not available. The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in completion of the Treasurer’s duties as determined by the Treasurer with advisement of the Chairperson and the Audit Committee.
  • b. The Communications Liaison shall be responsible for managing news releases and media contacts, both internal and external, as directed by the Chairperson and State Central Committee.
Section 4.

Any State Central Committee member, including any officer, may be suspended, that is, denied the authority to perform his or her specific functions, by a two-thirds vote of the entire State Central Committee. A suspended member shall be notified via certified mail with proof of mailing. The position of a suspended member shall be declared vacant unless the suspended member appeals to the Judicial Committee within five (5) business days of the mailing of the notice of suspension. If the suspension is appealed, the Judicial Committee must rule within thirty days. If the Judicial Committee upholds the suspension by a two-thirds majority, the position of the suspended member will be declared vacant. If the Judicial Committee fails to uphold the suspension, the member shall be reinstated.

Section 5.

If a vacancy in the State Central Committee (including an officer vacancy) should occur through suspension, or through the resignation, death or disability of a member, the vacancy may be filled for the remainder of the term at a Regular Convention occurring in an odd-numbered year, at a Special Convention, or by the State Central Committee.

Section 6.

The State Central Committee shall have the control and management of all the affairs, properties, and funds of the Party consistent with this Constitution.

Section 7.

The State Central Committee shall meet in a manner, time, and place as prescribed in the Bylaws.

Section 8.

Precinct, County and District Caucuses or conventions may be held at the time and location established by the district State Central Committee. County locations may be determined by the county affiliates.

Article VI: Conventions and Caucuses
Section 1.

The Party shall hold a Regular Convention every even numbered year at the time and place selected by the State Central Committee.

Section 2.

For all Regular Conventions, Delegates and Alternate Delegates shall be elected to be representative of the State Party Membership.

Section 3.

A duly selected Alternate may be freely substituted for the Delegate who is temporarily or permanently absent from the floor.

Section 4.

The State Central Committee, by a three-fourths majority vote of the State Central Committee membership, may call a Special Convention. Delegates must be notified two weeks prior to the convention. These conventions shall consist of the state officers and all eligible delegates to the last annual convention. Such a Special Convention cannot take the place of an annual convention. Only those matters mentioned in the call to the convention may be considered at a Special Convention.

Section 5.

The State Central Committee, by a three-fourths majority vote of the State Central Committee membership, may call a Caucus of Eligible Electors representing this political organization for making one nomination of a candidate for each office to be filled at a general election. The State Central Committee shall name the officers of such Caucus.

Section 6.

At any time during a convention, the delegates may call for an election of a new convention Chair or Secretary, for the remainder of the convention, with a vote of two-thirds majority. The officers of the SCC shall aid those elected in this manner as needed.

Article VII: Committees
Section 1.

There shall be a standing Judicial Committee, composed of 3 to 9 members exclusive of the State Central Committee. The Judicial Committee shall be elected at each Regular Convention occurring in an even numbered year and shall serve the same term as the State Central Committee. In the event that a maximum number of people have not been elected in an even-numbered year, or if other vacancies occur, then new members may be elected at Regular convention in an odd-numbered year to serve the remainder of the term. The Judicial Committee may fill any vacancies occurring between conventions. The Judicial Committee shall select its own chairperson.

Section 2.

At least ninety days prior to each Regular Convention, the State Central Committee shall appoint a Credentials Committee, a Constitution, Bylaws and Rules Committee and a Platform Committee, including the chairperson of each committee, as follows:

  • a. Each Committee shall consist of one member from each Congressional District when available, exclusive of State Central Committee members and the appointed Chair of the Committee. Additional at-large members shall be appointed if necessary to meet minimum requirements.
Article VIII: Platform
Section 1.

The Party shall adopt a Platform at its first Regular Convention. Said Platform shall include, but not be limited to, the Statement of Principles of the (National) Libertarian Party and the implementation of these principles contained in the Statement, in the form of Planks.

Section 2.

The Statement of Principles affirms that philosophy upon which the Libertarian Party is founded, by which it shall be sustained, and through which Liberty shall prevail.

Section 3.

The Platform, other than the Statement of Principles, may be amended by deletion, substitution, or addition of any Plank by the Convention Delegates in session and voting. The Substitution of a new Plank for an old Plank, or the addition of a new Plank, shall require approval by a vote of 90% of the Delegates in session voting. A Plank may be deleted from the Platform by a vote of 50% of the Delegates in session voting. A Plank must not be in violation of, or in contradiction to, the Statement of Principles. If any Member of the Judicial Committee considers a Plank in violation or in contradiction to the Statement of Principles, it may be deleted only by a unanimous vote of the committee.

Article IX: Nomination of Candidates
Section 1.

Party nominees for U.S. President and Vice-President are automatically the nominees of the national Libertarian Party for those offices. Presidential electors shall be nominated by the Chairperson and ratified by majority vote of the State Central Committee.

Section 2.

Nomination of vacant candidacies for U.S. Senator and the executive offices of Iowa will be made at the Regular or Special Convention held preceding the election.

  • a. Nominations shall be made from the convention floor by the Delegates. All balloting shall be done by secret ballot.
  • b. If, after a ballot, no candidate has attained a majority vote, all nominees who have received less than 10% of the total vote shall be struck from subsequent ballots. If, after two ballots, no candidate has attained a majority vote, the candidate with the least votes shall be struck from the subsequent ballots; this procedure shall be repeated after each ballot in which no candidate has received a majority vote until one candidate attains a majority.
Section 3.

Nomination of candidates for vacant U.S. House of Representatives and Iowa legislature candidacies will be made at Special Convention held preceding the election following the procedure in Section 2 of this Article.

Article X: Representation to the National Libertarian Party Convention

Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the National Libertarian Party Convention shall be selected as prescribed by the Bylaws in numbers permitted by the National Libertarian Party.

Article XI: Membership
Section 1.

Members shall be:

  • a. those persons who are registered with the state of Iowa as voters affiliated with the Libertarian Party
Article XII: Judicial Committee

In addition to any other responsibilities set forth in this Constitution, the Judicial Committee shall be responsible for the following: Disciplinary actions against any Party Member shall be in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised current edition, except as otherwise provided herein.

Article XIII: Bylaws
Section 1.

The State Central Committee shall follow the Bylaws. The State Central Committee may adopt non-conflicting bylaws between conventions which will not remain in effect beyond the next convention unless ratified.

Section 2.

The Bylaws of the Party may be amended by a majority vote of the Delegates at any Regular Convention of the Party, or by a vote of three-fourths of the State Central Committee at any other time.

Article XIV: Convention Government

Conventions of the Party shall be governed by the current Convention Rules and Bylaws, unless otherwise amended at a Regular Convention.

Article XV: Open Meetings
Section 1.

All meetings in the Party shall be open to all Members.

Section 2.

The secret ballot may not be used for any committee decision. The secret ballot may be used for elections.

Article XVI: District Central Committees

The District Central Committee shall consist of the Chair of each County in the Congressional District. The District Committee shall:

  • a. Direct and coordinate Party activities in the district, including candidate recruitment and county affiliate development;
  • b. Assist with the coordination of the congressional and legislative campaigns of Party nominees in the district;
  • c. Coordinate a district caucus.
Article XVII: Amendments to The Constitution

This Constitution may be amended by a 90% vote of the Delegates at any Regular Convention.

Adopted May 1st, 1999; Amended April 14th, 2007; March 22nd, 2014; March 19th, 2016; March 24th, 2017; March 24, 2018; January 29th, 2022; and February 17th, 2024.

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