LPIA Virtual Caucus Portal

Welcome to the LPIA Virtual Caucus Portal! If you have a caucus site in your county, we encourage you to attend in-person and join your county party on February 8th at 1:00pm, click here for link to site locations. 

Participation criteria:

  • Virtual Caucus portal will be open from 02/06 at 12:01am until 02/08 at 5:00pm
  • You must be registered to vote in Iowa as a Libertarian. Per LPIA SCC ruling, if you were not on the Iowa Secretary of State voter rolls on 02/01/2020 as a Libertarian, you will not be able to be verified and participate in the Virtual Caucus. Any individual that votes and is not on Iowa voter rolls by that date will be removed from the vote tally and will not become a credentialed delegate.
  • Participation in either Virtual or in-person Caucus is the only way to become a credentialed and voting delegate to the 2020 LPIA State Convention 
  • If you participate in an in-person caucus after voting in the Virtual Caucus, this will invalidate your Virtual Caucus vote and it will be removed.
  • Candidate ballot in the caucus form is the most up to date list from lpedia.org, there is a write in option for candidates not listed. “None of the Above” is also an option per Libertarian Party tradition. This straw poll is non-binding to Iowa delegates at the 2020 National Convention per national party rules and is a poll designed to show Iowa Libertarian preferences.

Link to Caucus Form: Click here to Caucus Virtually




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