Candidate Filing Instructions

Hello, as partisan office filing period is opening on the 26th of Feb and closing on March 16th, here are some candidate filing instructions below for prospective candidates. In addition please follow this link for details regarding candidate filing requirements at the Iowa Secretary of State’s Website

2018 Primary Election Filing Instructions – Capitol Office

Filing Period Dates:

Begins:  Monday, February 26 Ends: Friday, March 16 at 5:00 p.m.

Who can file?

Only candidates from the Democratic, Libertarian and Republican parties can file nomination papers for the primary election. Non-partisan and NPPO candidates can file papers for partisan offices on the ballot at the General Election beginning July 30 and ending on August 25.

Waiting for approval or rejection of papers:

Candidates or representatives that wish to wait while papers are being examined should file at the Lucas Building.  Depending on the number of filings received on a given day, these are waiting time estimates:

  • US Senate – 4 hours
  • US Representative – 4 hours
  • State Senate – 1 hour
  • State Representative – 1 hour

If the candidate/filer wishes to be contacted after the papers are reviewed, make note on the receipt.

Before taking nomination papers for review, please make sure:

  1. The originals are being submitted, not copies.
  2. The affidavit of candidacy is signed, notarized and included with the petition. If there are problems with the affidavit and the candidate is present, have the candidate complete a new affidavit and have it notarized.
  3. All of the petition pages are fastened together.  If they are not fastened, please assist the filer with fastening by either providing a staple or a 3 ring binder.  Please do not use paper clips or metal clamps to avoid the risk of losing a page of signatures.
  4. Make an entry in the receipt log.
  5. Complete a receipt, make a copy of the receipt and give the original receipt to the filer.
  6. Time stamp the affidavit of candidacy and the first page of the nomination petitions “Received.”
  7. Write the receipt number in the upper right-hand corner of the affidavit and on the first page of the petition.
  8. Binder clip or paperclip the copy of the receipt, the affidavit, and the petitions together.
  9. Store with any other papers received in a safe and secure place.

Delivering Papers to Lucas Building

  1. Make a copy of the log sheet to deliver with the nomination papers.
  2. Plan on delivering the papers to the Lucas Building regularly in the morning, afternoon and before the end of the day. Please don’t sit on groups of papers. Keep Lucas staff informed if you have papers that need to be sent over and need someone to come and get them. Contact Carol (25071) or Dawn (50067).

Receiving Checklist

Candidate’s Name:


Cell Number:

Affidavit Review

1st Review 2nd Review
Candidate’s Name    * as appears on ballot
Name Pronunciation
Office Sought
District or Ward
Vacancy Information
Type and Date of Election
Party Affiliation
Candidate’s Home Address and County
Candidates Signature
Notarization – Signature
                      Notary Title
                      Notary Seal


Nomination Paper Review

1st Review 2nd Review
Candidate’s Name
Office Sought
Candidates County of Residence
District or Ward
Date of Election
Vacancy Information
Party Affiliation
County of Petition signers (Federal office)


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