It’s Official – LPIA Eligible for Party Status

County supervisors across Iowa have certified the votes cast in their counties, and on December 5, 2016, the Secretary of State released the results.  Here is one of the important tweets:

Iowa Sec. of State@IowaSOS Dec 5

The is now eligible for full political party status since the Johnson/Weld ticket surpassed the 2 percent threshold.

Iowans have been asking when they can register in the new party. Receiving the votes is the first step. There is a process to follow to then apply for the status, and a waiting period for approval.

While the party’s leadership is working to get everything in order for party status, we need your help to strengthen the party so we maintain our status after the 2018 election. Donate what you can so we have the funding for operational expenses, party building, and campaigns. Meet up with one of the county affiliates and help organize events for publicity and volunteers. Write letters to the editors of papers, or post on relevant social media, why you are ready for the Libertarians to be one of Iowa’s political parties.

Local elections are ahead for 2017, but that all important gubernatorial contest of 2018, when the Libertarian candidate must again receive at least 2% of the vote, is not far away.

We are excited to share political party status with you, the Iowa voter, but we need your help to keep celebrating. Thank you.




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