The Libertarian Party serves as the single-most principled political organization defending civil liberties and advocating for a smaller, less intrusive government, but we can’t do it without your support! Your membership will help build a stronger, more effective Libertarian Party.
In order to be a member of the Libertarian Party of Iowa, simply register as a Libertarian in the State of Iowa.
The National Libertarian Party website has a single form you can use to join the national party and donate to the Libertarian Party of Iowa at the same time. For a limited time, all donations and memberships will be matched by an anonymous donor up to $5,000! This is the best way to join or renew, so double your donation today!
Want to take your support to the next level? Help us fight for liberty in Iowa by becoming a donating member. You can be an Annual Contributor for $20 or more or become a Lifetime Member for $500. Thank you for helping us champion liberty and Libertarian candidates across Iowa during this critical time.