You CAN Vote Twice – Even Thrice

You can vote only once during the General Election, so be sure to vote Libertarian Party whether you cast your vote through an absentee ballot or at the voting booth on Election Day.

You do not have to wait until the General Election voting begins to make your voice heard, however. You can help promote the Libertarian Party by registering as a Libertarian on the voter registration rolls. It is easily done in Iowa through online voter registration. Click here to get started.  As the number of Iowans who “vote” to become registered Libertarians increases, it becomes harder for the media and others to ignore the volume of Iowans identifying with the party.

You can also “vote,” indirectly, if you are attending the State Fair. Stop by the Secretary of State’s booth and participate in the Straw Poll for President and U.S. Senate. The Secretary of State’s office still refuses to acknowledge any party other than the two statist parties, but at least there is an option for Other. Cast your vote for Other and let drop to the staff at the booth that the Libertarian Party deserves specific inclusion. Results of the State Fair Straw Poll can be found at the Secretary of State’s website here.


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